Question 1: With the help of block diagram describe the operation of the conical scan tracking radar.
Question 2: What are the different factors that find out the accuracy of the tracking radar?
Question 3: Describe the following:
a) Target acquisition
b) Tracking in Doppler
Question 4: What two measures might be taken to decrease the effects of the glint error in both angle and range?
Question 5: Enlist the features of the actual radar system.
Question 6: Give a comprehensive explanation of the actual radar system.
Question 7: How does an active electronic counter measure reduce the detection range of the radar?
Question 8: How reduction in the bandwidth of a radar antenna can be employed as a method of ECCM?
Question 9: Distinguish between the term ECM and ECCM.
Question 10: What is noise jamming as referred to the ECM?
Question 11: Describe the various ECM and ECCM techniques in detail.
Question 12: What are the needs of ECCM? Draw the block diagram of the ECCM system and label the various blocks clearly. Explain its working.