
Electromagnetic wave equation for vacuum


If electromagnetic wave equation for vacuum is  


where W is either magnetic B or electric E field vector, show that by using Galilean transformation wave equation will be changed to   

1454_Galilean transformation.JPG

which has completely different form than given wave equation. Hence, Galilean transformation violates the first relativity postulate that all physics laws have the same form in all inertial reference frames.
Repeat the analysis but use Lorentz coordinate transformation, and show that in this case wave equation has the same form

2372_Electromagnetic waves.JPG

(Hint: Use the chain rule to express derivatives ∂/∂r  and ∂/∂t   in terms of ∂/∂R  and ∂/∂T ).

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Physics: Electromagnetic wave equation for vacuum
Reference No:- TGS01891460

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