
electrical machines efforts are being made at

ELECTRICAL MACHINES: Efforts are being made at present to develop electrical machines and transformers utilising super conductivity calculators. It shows that if we would use conductors as conducting materials, in addition to super conducting magnets which are already being produced, it is possible to manufacture electrical generators & transformers in exceptionally small size having efficiency as high as 99.99%.

POWER CABLES: Superconducting materials if used for power cables will enable transmission of power over very long distances using a diameter of a few cm without any significant power loss or drop in voltage.

ELECTRO MAGNETS: Superconducting solenoids which to not produce any heat during operations have been produced. However, it is must be noted that superconductivity can be destroyed if the magnetic field exceeds critical value. It has been possible to design electro magnets using super conductivity for use in laboratory and for low temperature devices live the maser.

AMPLIFIERS: Super conducting is used for amplifying very small direct currents and voltages. If an alternating magnetic field with a mean value of magnetic critical value is applied to the super conductors the substance between its normal and super conducting states. Its electrical resistance varies periodically between zero and a finite value. The periodically varying current can be amplified using ordinary A.C amplifiers.

Super conductors are used for producing very strong magnetic field of about 20-30 tester.

Super conductors are used for producing very strong storage memory in computers.

CRYOTRON: It is a switch that operates at very low temperature at which its components are super conducting, when current is sent through a control element to produce a magnetic field, a gate element changes from a super conductive zero resistance state to its normal resistive slate.

MAGNETIC LEVIATION: It is a high-speed rail technology by which a train can travel free of friction at speeds of 480 kilometres (300 miles) per hour or more. The train is suspended on a magnetic cushion about an inch above an elevated magnetic track, whose moving magnetic field alternately attracts and repels magnets mounted on the train, which is pushed and pulled along by this process. This magnetic field is created by super conducting magnet which is an electro magnet whose coils are made of a type 2 super conductor with a high transition temperature and extremely high critical field such as niobium tin. It is capable of generating magnetic fields of 100,000 oersted (8000, 000 amperes per meters) and more with no steady power dissipation.

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Physics: electrical machines efforts are being made at
Reference No:- TGS0156346

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