
Elec 0316-spring - discuss the applications of multirate

Question 1. The properties of convolution is listed in the table 1; Verify the properties of convolution for the given signal by:

x[n] = n{u[n-10] - u[n+15]}

h[n] = (0.5)n {u[n] - u[n-10] }

h1 [n] = cos(0.05πn) {u[n]-u[n-21] }

h2 [n] = 2δ[n+3] + δ[n-1] - 3δ[n-5]

(a) Numerical computation of convolution sum.

(b) Verify the result obtained in part(a) by using MATLAB function convand plot the output of each property.

Question 2. The pole - zero diagram in figure 2 corresponds to the Z-transform [X(z)] of a causal sequence (x[n] ). Sketch the pole-zero diagram of Y(z), where y[n]=x[-n+5]. Also, determine the region of convergence for Y(z).

1662_Multirate Digital Signal processing.jpg

Figure 2

b) Discuss the applications of Multirate Digital Signal processing or Explain the need of Multirate Signal Processing with suitable Example.

Question 3. Given the realization of IIr filter in Figure 3.

587_Multirate Digital Signal processing1.jpg

Figure 3

a) Obtain the difference equation relating g[n]to x[n] and g[n] to y[n].

b) Determine the transfer function H(z)for the filter.

Question 4. In this problem use Lena image to compute the output.

a) Load the Lena image in MATLAB and display using imshow function.

b) Consider the 1D (single dimensional) impulse response h[n]=1/5 {(1,1,1,1,1)}. Using it perform 1D convolution along the each row of the Lena image and display the resulting blurred image. Comment on the result.

c) Using the image obtained in part (b) perform 1D convolution along the each column of the Lena image and display the resulting blurred image. Compare this image with the image in part (b) and comment on the results.

Discuss the applications of Multirate Digital Signal processing or Explain the need of Multirate Signal Processing with suitable

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MATLAB Programming: Elec 0316-spring - discuss the applications of multirate
Reference No:- TGS01416188

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