
Elaborate who are likely to be your competitors remember

Web System Assignment


Student should be able to:
a. Analyse the structure of the Web and build web forms
b. Discuss the Web site development process

Length: 1000 Words.

Description of the assessment:

Read the following specification carefully and prepare a planning document for developing a website for your IT startup company. The planning document should contain the following elements:

1. Need Analysis: This section should explain why would you want a website? What are your goals and objectives?

2. Target Audience Analysis: Wrongly targeted audience often result in stray a website. Read the content of Table 1 and write a paragraph on who will be your audience, their demographics (interest, age, skills etc.). Also write a few lines of justification as to why the selected audience fit into the chosen categories.

3. Competitive Analysis: Elaborate who are likely to be your competitors? Please remember your competitors can only be  individuals/businesses who have their operational websites online, and are working in a similar industry. For example, rogerfederer.com can be a valid competitor for a personal website. Pick any two such websites that you may regard as the best and the worst in this category. Do not attempt to write about large organisations such as Telstra, Qantas or Optus; they are not your competitors.

4. Raw data/information gathering: Raw data is the data that don't go over the website. They serve as placeholders for the websites. For any two of the pages, provide some raw data e.g. text, images, or audio/video

5. Information Architecture design: Draw a sketch of your website (choose any three from the following specifications). Similarly, provide wireframe of at least one page, e.g. home or about.html. Finally, produce a mockup of a webpage (only one page is enough).

Table 1 on next page has the description of all the pages of the website that you need to create in assignment.

Table 1: Specification for a proposed website



Home page (index)

This page should have a logo (design your own logo), a unique tagline (few words to explain the uniqueness to describe the website).
Please design your unique favicon that goes with respective page title. You may include some highlight, such as, a latest related news about the IT industry etc.

About (about.html)

 Write a brief description of the company, e.g. services you provide, unique characteristics, any achievements etc.

Image gallery (galleries.html)

 Use this page to display images related to the startup company. Please use HTML5 caption under each image (Hint: you may use

that has img as attribute). This page should not contain any text other than caption(s). Please insert at least 6 such images. Check out different company websites to find appropriate images.

Services (services.html)

Insert an embedded video link from YouTube that talks about the services your company provides. Write a paragraph related to these services. Use a caption to reference it from the YouTube.

Skills (skills.html)

Use this page to indicate skills you possess to run the company. Write a paragraph each for at the least two of these skills, and include an image related to each skill.

Sitemap (sitemap.html)

Create an HTML 5 site map with working links to all the pages in the website.

Contact Us (contact.html)

Use this page to display appropriate form elements to grab users' comments, inquiry and a fake Google map.

Footer (Not a separate page but part of all the pages)

Insert the Copyright information, link to sitemap and other useful links like disclaimer, privacy policy and social media links with relevant medias.

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Computer Engineering: Elaborate who are likely to be your competitors remember
Reference No:- TGS02766063

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