Eignevalues and Eigenvectors of the Fourier Transform
The Fourier transform, call it F, is a linear one-to-one operator from the space of square-integrable functions onto itself. (In fact, we also know that F is an "isometric" mapping, but we will not need this feature in this problem). Indeed,
F : L2(-∞,∞) → L2(-∞,∞)
ƒ(x) ˜→ F[ƒ](k) Ξ 1/√2∏ ∫∞-∞ e-ikx ƒ(x)dx Ξ F(k)
Note that here x and k are viewed as points on the common domain (-∞,∞) of ƒ and F.
(a) Consider the linear operator F2 and its eigenvalue equation.
F2ƒ = λƒ
What are the eigenvahies and the eigenfunctions of F2?
(b) Identify the operator F4? What are its eigenvalues?
(c) What are the eigenvalues of F?