
Efficient or optimal portfolio using beta


Once you become even more finance savvy, over time you will be more comfortable randomly choosing stock on your own or by using a scientific approach. Can you as an individual investor choosing your own stock create an optimal portfolio of 99 stock (can be other securities besides stock) by selecting 33 stocks with beta equal to 1, 33 stocks with beta equal to 0.5 and 33 stock with beta equal to 2?

Which do you think would be more efficient or optimal even without knowing the rate of return, and why?

1) the portfolio above

2) a portfolio with 33 common stock, 33 preferred stock and 33 Treasury Bonds

3) a portfolio with 33 common stock, 33 preferred stock and 33 Muni Bonds

4) a portfolio with 33 common stock, 33 foreign currencies and 33 stock options

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Finance Basics: Efficient or optimal portfolio using beta
Reference No:- TGS01830616

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