
effects of weight loss a healthy body is

Effects of weight loss
A healthy body is required not only for the sake of health, but also for maintaining the standard frame of a body. A person experiencing the problem of weight loss shall not look thin, but shall appear frail and pale. An effective weight as per age, sex and height is very essential for every human being to do away with a lot of minor diseases in the first place. Weight loss is not an encouraging fact in reality, because a sudden weight loss, if unattended to might increase the risk of development of dangerous underlying diseases, particularly cancer, since in cancer weight loss is seen as one of the many important symptoms (Mangili et al, 2006). Hence, right from the beginning, the weight of an individual needs to be balance, not by consuming junk food, but by the intake of food stuffs containing all the essential proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins as well as minerals. (Howard et al, 2006)

Gaining weight
Weight gain is as tough a job as weight loss, especially for a person who is by nature, thin. Gaining weight appears to be an issue for several individuals. There is frequent complaint from people that they are not able to gain any extra pounds so as to look plump. In order to gain weight, all the essential nutrients need to be taken in adequate amounts. Increasing the consumption of junk foods and fatty foods shall not serve as the perfect answer to gaining healthy weight, as these food stuffs only lead to the accumulation of unhealthy fat in the body. One needs to eat calorie-rich yet nutritious foodstuff. The calories must be sourced from the foods which are healthy in nature. The weight gaining diet must have high quantity protein, carbohydrate as well as healthy fats. (Halton et al., 2006)

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