
Effects of social disorganization and economic

1. Traditionally, juveniles have demonstrated high recidivism rates on ____________.
a. vacation b. parole c. school break d. None of the above.

2. Who is responsible for recommending discharge of a juvenile?
a. the juvenile's parole of cer b. society c. the judge d. None of the above.

3. ___________ dealt with standard practices regarding parole revocation.
a. Morrisey v. Baxter b. Morrissey v. Brewer c. Morrison v. Brewer d. Morrison v. Baxter

4. The basic legal issues with parole conditions may include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. conditions affect basic constitutional freedoms b. conditions often automatically and indiscriminately applied c. conditions dif cult to comply with d. All of the above are basic legal issues with parole conditions

5.___________ is generally administered on a statewide basis by the agency that is responsible for providing institutional services.
a. Parole b. Inmate c. Probation d. Status offense

6. Aftercare services include ___________.
a. court efforts of classification b. assist punishment of juvenile c. assist youth in community reentry d. assist court in classifying juvenile

7. Policy considerations that should be evaluated prior to granting parole include ____________.
a. cost of juveniles to stay in institution b. need for additional punishment
c. behavior in institution d. cost to treat juveniles

8. One of the basic functions of aftercare is _____________.
a. classifying offender for court b. increase in further delinquent acts
c. rehabilitation and reintegration of juvenile in community d. assist in further punishment of juvenile

9. The long-range goal of parole is to ____________.
a. assist parolees in coping with problems when released b. assist development of juvenile's ability to be independent and makecorrect choices
c. protect society from juveniles d. None of the above.

10. Primitive tribes were known to have used the practice of ____________ to settle quarrels with one another.
a. adoption b. common law c. hierarch d. None of the above.

11. Problems in adoption law include ____________.
a. immediate placement b. single home placements c. support from natural parents d. multiple home placements

12. One of the sets of laws that have left many children unadopted are _____________.
a. laws that preserve rights of natural parents b. laws that do not pay people who foster children c. laws that do not give rights to birth parents d. None of the above.

13. ____________ has been shown to be a major factor in forming a child's ego.
a. Good education b. An unstable family background c. A stable and secure home environment d. High socioeconomic status

14. ____________ is/are meant to be a place where adequate peer relationships can be formed.
a. Group homes b. Foster care c. Halfway houses d. Adoption

15. The research from the Developmental Victimization Survey determined all of the following EXCEPT:
a. physical assaults, bullying and teasing. b. sexual victimization. c. child maltreatment. d. lack of demographic differences.

16. Child-related problems include all EXCEPT:
a. parent-child conflict. b. child-sibling conflict. c. emotional disturbance. d. emotional handicap.

17. Parent-related problems include all EXCEPT:
a. treatment. b. parental rejection. c. child neglect. d. child abuse.

18. Which model merges the selection and socialization models?
a. selection b. enhancement c. socialization d. contagion

19. This model assumes that gang joiners' offending pro les are similar to other youths' ____________.
a. selection b. enhancement c. socialization d. contagion

20. It has been cited that gang migration ___________.
a. is a major problem b. leads to enhanced self-esteem c. provides stability d. grants wealth

21. Features of female gang members include all but which of the following?
a. more likely to have witnessed physical violence in their homes b. often sees the gang as a refuge from victimization
c. less prone to delinquency d. have experienced multiple family problems

22. Effects of social disorganization and economic marginalization on African American gangs include all but which of the following?
a. unemployment b. car jacking c. drug use d. decreased the control of community institutions

23. This element of the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model included development and implementation of policies and procedures that result in the most effective use of available and potential sources within and across agencies to better address the gang problem.
a. community mobilization b. social intervention c. provision of opportunities d. organizational change and development

24.The gang suppression element of the Boston Gun Project was known as _____________.
a. the "pulling levers" strategy b. curfew c. Operation Cease re d. drug testing

25. Research on Asian gangs reveal that they believe ____________.
a. that they would not need to work b. society treated them unjustly
c. they are less prone to delinquency d. None of the above.

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Dissertation: Effects of social disorganization and economic
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