
effects of noise - noise pollutionnoise can

Effects of Noise - Noise Pollution

Noise can affect in the following three ways:

  • Interferes with communication,
  • Diminishes hearing and
  • Affects health and even behaviour.

Noise is an irritant which causes psychological and physiological changes, arouses emotional response and affects our health. Noise produces temper tantrum, irritation, anxiety, fatigue and even nausea. Constant excessive noise levels cause lack of concentration, sleeplessness, headache, constriction in blood vessels, change in heart beat, increase of blood pressure, pale skin, nervous breakdown, etc. Noise results in decrease sensitiveness to hearing, finally leading to deafness. Our hearing declines from aging and exposure to noise. Men generally suffer a greater loss of hearing with age than women. High levels of noise may result in temporary loss of hearing and continued exposure to permanent loss. Instantaneous explosions can rupture eardrums and displace the tiny bones in the ear.

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Biology: effects of noise - noise pollutionnoise can
Reference No:- TGS0181255

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