
Effects of google communication technology

Problem: Technology has taken over our world today. Study show that technology will reach a level of personalization and empower lives within 20 years (Chin, 2011).

What is the communication topic?

The effects of google.com communication technology to organizations management performance

What is the organization?

Google.com organization

Why are you interested in this topic?

Company Spotlight: Google, Inc. (2009):

Google is one of many search engines in the world. Google operates in a large number of countries. The use of Google is free of charge through Google.com and its 160 other international domains, such as Google.ba, Google.dm, Google.nr, Google.co.jp and Google.ca.

Google interface is available in many different languages.

What is your thesis statement?

The thesis statement is to explore google.com communication system and how it influences organizational management performance.


Chin, R. (2011). 8 Current Technologies That Will Shape Our Future. Retrieved on July 28, 2013, from


Company Spotlight: Google, Inc. (2009). MarketWatch: Global Round-up, 8(3), 270-282.

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Other Management: Effects of google communication technology
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