Client Feelings
Clients will not understand why they are feeling as they are, however, keep in mind that what a person is feeling and why the person is feeling that way are two different questions.They also are different than the effects of those feelings (often seen as behaviors such as lack of interest, lack of attention, shakiness, rapid pulse, hair-trigger defenses, shortness of breath, thoughts of suicide, etc.).
Most of what therapists work with are the effects of emotions and the reasons for the emotions (which often is what leads to the diagnoses), but if the identifications of the actual emotions are misunderstood, the effects of and reasons for the emotions will be misdirected.
Think of emotions as if they were colors. When you picture "green," you know what you are imagining; buyout most likely would have a very difficult time getting another person, especially one from a different part of the world, to truly understand the specific color that is on your mind. You may have little idea why you are thinking about that particular shade of green, or why you like that shade in clothes or on walls, but you do know what the color is. If you didn't have to find the way to help another person understand what the specific color is, but rather referred to it only as "nosy bleep," you and the other person could then get on with the business of exploring your memories for the first time you saw "nosy bleep," how "nosy bleep" blends with your color pallet in your living room so well, etc. Does that make sense? Why or why not?
Write your answer/reponse in detail with examples and facts and figures using APA style of formatting, size 12, font Times new roman and answer must be single spaced.