
Effects of continuous sales

Pick a health and beauty brand and item you use regularly; for example, shampoo, shaving cream, moisturizer, razor blades, etc. Imagine this brand is extending its reach to a new target audience with a new product. Identify this new target audience and then outline the beginnings of a pricing stratrgy for this new product, by offering specifics instead of generalities about the strategy. For example, do not merely say " I suggest a competitive price." Instead say, "I suggest a high-volume, low-introductory price." Provide a rationale for your strategy chice(s).

In today's economic climate, retaliers are continuously conducting sales in order to get customers in their doors. Analyze the short-term and long-term effects of continuous sales to all stakeholders.

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Business Management: Effects of continuous sales
Reference No:- TGS076588

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