
effectiveness of the selection programme

Effectiveness of the selection programme / evaluation: the purpose of the selection programme and techniques is to choose the most suitable candidate for a given job from among the prospective employees. The selection programme would be effective if the candidates selected / hired perform their jobs efficiency and sincerely with commitment. The human resource manager should evaluate the effectiveness of the selection programme periodically. Dale S. Beach suggests audit of the selection programme to know the effectiveness of the selection programme.

Application blank or form: as a selection tool, application blank or form indicates the applicant's ability to communicate clearly. Write legibly and understand and follow instructions. It is a traditional and widely accepted device for gathering information from a prospective applicant. The application blank provides preliminary information as well as aid in the interview by indicating areas of interest and discussion. It is a good means of quickly collecting verifiable (and therefore fairly accurate) basic historical data from the candidates. It also serves as a convenient device for circulating information about the applicant to the appropriate members of management and as a useful device for storing information, for later reference. The information required to be given in the applicant's own handwriting is needed to identify him properly and to draw tentative inferences about his suitability for employment. Many types of application forms sometimes very long and comprehensive and sometimes brief are used.

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HR Management: effectiveness of the selection programme
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