
Effectiveness of the internet and social media

The importance and the effectiveness of the Internet and Social Media as a promotional tool

Assignment #1:

“The importance and the effectiveness of the Internet and Social Media as a promotional tool”


Select and then refer to article(s) or the e-books and other readings found in our: Learning Module #2  OR in  the E-Book section.

For example, an article found in the e-book BRAND Z 100 Top Most Valuable Global Brands 2013 notes the importance of using the Internet and Social Media in disseminating media messages.

It states that “In a market like Sweden, where more than nine out of 10 people have access to the Internet, only 31 percent of people regard TV ads as influential, while almost three-quarters (74 percent) will go online to find out information about a product seen elsewhere.”

It further notes that PR/Marketing/Advertising (promotional) opportunities – that didn’t exist only a few years ago – today allow companies (brand owners) to deliver campaigns and messages of great impact to the public.

In the e-books as well as the articles and materials provided, you will learn of various aspects, opinions and even some “how-to’s” on the importance, the use and the effectiveness of the Internet and Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, E-Mail, etc.) as  promotional tools for business and industry..


After you’ve chosen and read your selection(s):

In a well thought-out, three page paper. (Three pages minimum)

In the order provided here:

Provide a synopsis of the article. Explain in your own words what the writer(s) said in relationship to social media use. (Write it so that it may be reviewed by your classmates as well as myself, assuming we haven’t read the article.)

Then, develop your work. You may write it as an opinion paper, a compare contrast paper or perhaps even take exception to the writer’s viewpoints and suggestions.

Include your response/your opinion of the e-book/article(s) as they relate to the importance and the effectiveness of using the Internet and Social Media as promotional tools. With references to your selection AND a minimum of one other source.

In writing your paper:

– Identify the Title and Author of your selected article/e-book in your opening synopsis.
– Make reference to your selected article/e-book using MLA style, in-text citation.
– Incorporate a minimum of one other source (other than your selection).
– Use MLA style for in-text citations and your Works Cited page.

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