
Effectiveness of community-based emergency preparedness

Assignment task:

Research Topic: The effectiveness of community-based emergency preparedness and response programs.

Research Question: How do community-based emergency preparedness and response programs impact disaster resilience at the community level?

After a literature search and provide the following regarding the above information:

  • Two articles from peer-reviewed journals available via the Pierce Library, with brief summaries
  • Two open access peer-reviewed articles you find either via Google Scholar or via the open access reference list, with brief summaries
  • Two articles related to your topic but that you can't access because they require paid access. Include notes about why you want the article AND how much it would cost to purchase access.
  • One chapter from a peer-reviewed book, with a summary.
  • One journal you think should be added to the Pierce College library database.
  • One journal you think should be added to the HSEM Journals shared Google document. Include the link and whether it's open access, partial open access, or paid access.

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Other Subject: Effectiveness of community-based emergency preparedness
Reference No:- TGS03303464

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