
Effectively handling human resources


Discuss the extent and the impact of the problem of "effectively handling human resources".

  • How often is it encountered?
  • What are its negative consequences?
  • Who is affected by the problem?
  • What could be its implications for the mission and vision of the healthcare organization where the problem occurs?
  • Lastly, for background information, see attached response identifying the problem of "effectively handling human resources".
One problem in healthcare management, is effectively handling the human resources within a healthcare organization in a manner that will be in the best interest of the organization.  It is quite difficult for upper-level management in healthcare organizations such as hospitals and clinics, to be able to effectively manage the wide array of healthcare professionals that are under their management, due to the fact that there are many different specialties within the healthcare paradigm, and each of individuals working within the different specialties will be assigned to the area of the hospital or clinic that can allocate the best use of their talents.  It is very hard for management to effectively plan for the implementation of individuals into the different departments within a hospital or other health care organization, when there is no truly accurate way to measure the future needs of that department within the healthcare organization.  So management must try to effectively plan how to allocate the resources to the areas that they are most needed, while operating within the budgetary constraints of the organization, which in essence means that managers must be able to distribute their personnel effectively, while ensuring that they don't hire or retain more personnel than can reasonably be accommodated within the budgets that are allotted to them.  These aspects make the planning for the allocation and facilitation of human resources very difficult.

The effective organization of the human resources within an organization is also a problem in healthcare management, due to the fact that human resources must be organized in a fashion that maximizes the effectiveness and economic efficiency of every staff member within an organization.  So it is imperative that human resource management personnel can place the right number of people in the right areas, at the right time, under the right conditions, which is very difficult indeed.  In order to effectively lead these individuals, it is very important the that healthcare management personnel develop an organizational paradigm that has a chain of command structure that is flexible, but not flexible to the point that it becomes inefficient.  So the dissemination of information and directives is a major part of the problem in effectively handling human resources within a healthcare organization, and requires the implementation of a firm yet adoptable command structure.  Another aspect of handling human resources within a healthcare organization, is the development of an economic and efficient manner by which to fairly compensate the staff members of an organization.  This aspect must be handled efficiently, due to the fact that turnover rates will increase if individuals within the organization don't believe that they are fairly compensated for the job that they perform.

The problem of effectively handling human resources within a healthcare organization is very important, due to the fact that no healthcare organization can function effectively without highly trained and proficient personnel, which makes it absolutely essential that healthcare organizations develop an effective methodology by which to handle human resource problems as expeditiously as possible.  The problem of effectively handling human resources seems to run the gamut of nearly every form of healthcare organization, and this problem tends to reduce the efficiency of many healthcare organizations, one of which is the VA hospitals, which according to many veterans are notoriously inefficient and effective, which is in part due to the poor human resources management in respect to the hiring of personnel that may not be the best suited for the jobs of the of performing.

Your answer must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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HR Management: Effectively handling human resources
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