
Effectively deal with multiple choice on an exam

Case Scenario:

I am a student of the Chartered Institute of Taxation and have been trying to complete my exams. The syllabus changed this year and for the Law and Ethics exam, this has to be completed on a computer and the questions are multiple choice.

There are a couple of problems with this that I do not feel multiple choice to be a good way of testing your ability with questions and secondly, the pass mark is 40 correct questions out of 60 of each exam.

The exam is broken in to 2. 1 hour for the professional ethics exam then 1 hour for the Law exam (I answer in Scots Law). Both exams ask for a pass mark of 40 out of 60.

I have sat this exam twice and would require advice on how to tackle multiple choice questions and there are no books allowed in the exam.

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Other Management: Effectively deal with multiple choice on an exam
Reference No:- TGS01754868

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