
Effective style-resolving most everyday workplace conflicts

The five basic styles of managing conflict are based on a combination of satisfying one's own concerns (assertiveness) and satisfying the concerns of others (cooperativeness).

1. Competitive. The competitive style is a desire to win one's own concerns at the expense of the other party (win-lose).

2. Accommodative. The accommodative style favors appeasement, or satisfying the other's concerns without taking care of one's own.

3. Sharing. Sharers prefer moderate but incomplete satisfaction for both parties, which results in a compromise such as splitting the difference.

4. Collaborative. The collaborative style reflects a desire to satisfy fully the desires of both parties. It is based on an underlying philosophy of win-win approach to conflict resolution, the belief that after conflict has been resolved, both sides should gain something of value. When collaborative approaches to resolving conflict are used, the relationships among the parties are improved. The collaborative style of conflict management has many variations, one of which is to agree with the person criticizing you.

5. Avoidant. The avoider is a combination of uncooperative and unassertive. He or she is indifferent to the concerns of either party.

What is your preferred style(s) of conflict resolution in the workplace and how effective is/are your style(s) in resolving most everyday workplace conflicts? Support your answer by providing 2 concrete examples of effectiveness.

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Microeconomics: Effective style-resolving most everyday workplace conflicts
Reference No:- TGS061475

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