
Effective model of conflict management

Complete the mcq:

1. The five-finger formula is an effective model of conflict management because it

A. teaches children that the teacher is the mediator in charge of handling the problem.

B. provides the essential features of most conflict management models in five easy-to-remember steps.

C. allows children to act out the problem and come up with a solution by using puppets as representations of themselves.

D. uses peace props as a basis to help children to solve problems peacefully.

2. Which one of the following ideas corresponds with comprehensive guidance?

A. Establishing strict consequences for mistaken behavior

B. Using parent-teacher mediation

C. Using child negotiation

D. Establishing an individual guidance plan

3. To reduce vulnerability in a particular child, teachers can practice liberation teaching, such as

A. excusing the child from activities he or she isn't capable of completing.

B. setting up consequences for anyone who bullies the child.

C. showing acceptance of the child as a worthwhile member of the group.

D. allowing the child to explain to the rest of the class how he or she feels.

4. When working as a team with parents to resolve mistaken behavior, which one of the following suggestions should you keep in mind?

A. Offer specific support service names or numbers for problem areas if you feel help is needed.

B. Label the child's behavior to give the parents a frame of reference they'll understand.

C. Trust your intuition-some family members will be impossible to communicate with.

D. Don't be afraid to use value judgments to describe a child's mistaken behavior.

5. Joey often acts bossy towards her classmates. As the teacher, you realize this is marginal mistaken behavior. What should you keep in mind as you decide how to react?

A. Whichever choice you make, remember to remain consistent from one day to the next.

B. Time-outs are the most effective way to respond to bossy behavior.

C. Bossy behavior is simply the beginning stages of leadership and should be encouraged as long as it doesn't grow out of control.

D. Bossy behavior will only grow worse with time; you must act quickly to stop Joey's bossiness by excluding her from activities until she learns to act as part of the group.

6. Which one of the following is an acceptable way to physically restrain a child?

A. Soft hand cuffs

B. Passive bear hug

C. "Bundling" in a blanket

D. Back-of-the-neck squeezing

7. Which one of the following is an example of a marginal mistaken behavior?

A. Two children are physically hitting each other in an argument over blocks.

B. One child steals another child's lunch money.

C. One child is acting bossy and ordering other children around.

D. One child deliberately pours water onto another's child's shirt.

8. Which of the following is one of the guidelines for using conflict management?

A. The teacher must intervene as a moral authority in the situation.

B. The teacher doesn't have to be a perfect mediator for children to learn about resolving problems effectively.

C. Children are in charge of resolving their own issues; let them work it out on their own.

D. The teacher must impose consequences if the problem is serious enough.

9. If Sandra reports misbehavior to a teacher simply to get another child into trouble, the teacher should

A. punish only Sandra for lying.

B. punish both children.

C. keep an open mind and monitor Sandra for other mistaken behavior.

D. thank Sandra for being a caring citizen.

10. Which one of the following is one of Carlsson-Paige's guidelines for teaching problem solving to young children?

A. Encourage children to engage in self-removal.

B. Encourage children to use pictures to represent their thoughts.

C. Give children a time-out to cool down before discussing the problem.

D. Encourage children to suggest their own solutions.

11. Which one of the following statements is true about bullying?

A. The victims of bullying don't differ between the sexes.

B. Children who bully others are never the victims of bullying.

C. Girls are just as likely to bully as boys, though in different ways.

D. Bullying has only a short-term effect on a victim's stress level.

12. When trying to understand what causes conflicts in young children, remember that

A. conflicts of privilege are abstract and don't apply to preschool children.

B. the younger the child, the more likely the conflict is about property.

C. when the conflict is over territory, the children are using manipulation.

D. most conflicts are about attention getting, not disagreement.

13. What is one possible factor that may make a child vulnerable to stigma?

A. Getting a B on a spelling test

B. Being the same religion as the majority of the class

C. Having a health condition

D. Having brothers or sisters who were stigmatized

14. What is one of the ways in which teachers can stigmatize children?

A. Incorporating an anti-bias education into the curriculum

B. Ignoring bullying in the classroom

C. Teaching children to value different points of views from different cultures

D. Showing preference on the basis of academic achievement

15. Which one of the following corresponds with Step 3 of Jones's theory on using body contact to reduce mistaken behavior?

A. Eye contact

B. Proximity with direct comment

C. Physical proximity

D. Eye contact with gestures

16. Which one of the following terms is an example of using a label and thus putting a child in a behavior category?

A. Tired

B. Crying

C. Withdrawn

D. Smiling

17. A good strategy teachers use to help some young children manage their emotions is

A. journal entries.

B. time-outs.

C. pillow fights.

D. self-removal.

18. Which of the following is a lifelong impact that direct violence can have on children?

A. It can make children cling to their parents.

B. It can trigger autism in children if violence occurs at a certain age.

C. It can foster ambiguity about sexuality.

D. It can cause children to avoid intimacy.

19. A child is angry and swinging at anyone who comes near her and becomes angrier when you try to get her to calm down. Which type of intervention technique should you use?

A. Time-out

B. High-level mediation

C. Passive bear hug

D. Calling her parents to come pick her up

20. Which one of the following statements about reconciliation is true?

A. Children avoid apologizing because it's a weakness and they want to maintain power.

B. Teachers sometimes must make the children apologize.

C. Children know when they're ready to apologize.

D. Children bear grudges more than adults do.

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Other Management: Effective model of conflict management
Reference No:- TGS01875541

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