Effective instructional techniques

Reflect on the prior instructor-led learning experience in which you were the student. You might choose a training course or a classroom course.

Address the following questions:

  • What were you hoping to learn from the learning experience?
  • What process or model do you think the instructor followed when planning the learning experience?
  • What indicated to you that the learning experience was well planned and met applicable standards?
  • How well did the learning experience meet your needs?
  • There are many different methods for lesson planning. In Methods for Effective Teaching, you were introduced to the linear-rational, mental-image, and backward design methods. If you had been the instructor, which of these models would you have used to design your learning experience? Why?
  • If you had been the instructor, what role would standards play in your planning of this learning experience?

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Reference No:- TGS033599

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