
Effective in training new employees


Training as emphasized by (Nguyen & Klein, 2008) deals with programs formulated by an organization, which includes instructions, procedures, and supervision to determine progress and to assist by helping new employees get acquainted with the organization. In addition, training may involve attaching the new employees to an existing employee on their respective work area, so as to pass on the skills and to put more weight on competency corresponding to the corporate strategies or via computers with instructions available. Derounen and Kleiner (1994) declare that training is essential for an organization and it is driven by competition through advancement in education, technological advancements which lead to invention of new jobs and organization expansions in different cultural settings.  According to ( Schmidt, 2009), personnel management will determine the new employees training programs based on the organization’s strategies and resources available, and the dynamism of  management practices in the 21st century. The personnel department will affect the organization performance based on the staff recruited and the initiatives taken to maintain employees’ satisfaction for the overall quality performance (Capelli et al., 2010).


The study aims at exploring various methods adopted to offer training to new employees, the impact of training on the employees and the organization.

To fully analyze various training dimensions, the study explores, the purpose of inventing in training of new personnel, distinctive ways of training programs, the duration of training, and the impact that training has to the new employees and the organization.


Based on varied studies there is no definite study that portrays the methods in a precise manner, in relation to training new employees. Various researchers have identified some commonly used ways which this study will relate to in the background study. Practices used by organizations to training new personnel, enhance their overall performance and as a result positive impacts are evident towards the company and to the employees’ motivation through performance (Capelli et al., 2010). Training points at offering orientation to the new employees on operations that are necessary and important for the organization competitiveness (Capelli et al., 2010). Wanous and Reichers (2001) add that, training that is effective to the new and existing work force results into a prolific organization. More so, the genuine purpose of conducting training programs is to introduce a new environment to the new work force, to gain experience, in support of their academic background or past working experience, because organizations differ in structure, management policies and strategies (Derounen & Kleiner, 1994).

Derounen and Kleiner (1994), note that corporate mission defines how the training will be conducted. Some companies invest in short-term or long-term training depending on the position and the time that is stipulated in their management policies.  To maintain an independent work force, (Wanous & Reichers, 2001), highlight that, managers increase the rate of performance by giving the new employees leadership tasks within their training period, to minimize anxiety and to build on their confidence. The researchers also note that, training has no end point as new trends evolve in alignment with new inventions of ideas. Nguyen and Klein (2008) claim that, for training to be a success, the existing employees must be exceptionally skilled, well equipped with experience and have commendable values to ensure that the same is instilled in the new staff for productivity and prosperity.

Training managers are trained on ways and approaches of training new and existing personnel (Derounen & Kleiner, 1994). Furthermore, training can also be done in groups with regular supervision from the training manager and overall scrutiny from the respective departmental managers.  Training in groups is a common method used in training where new employees are divided in groups and given topics to assignment questions to discuss and interact on various issues, with close monitoring by the head trainer or departmental manager (Derounen & Kleiner, 1994).

Duration of training differs in different corporate grounds and on the level of training. For instance a management training period will vary from that of an operations employee (Derounen & Kleiner, 1994).  Nguyen and Klein (2008) add that, time taken in training is determined by the tasks that are set to be completed; hence a manager will take more time as compared to a lower position employee, due to the work load differences in both instances.

The principles that govern the areas of training depend on what an organization deems as areas that are important to be highlighted. In reference to this, (Wanous & Reichers, 2008) inform us on the major areas that most organization train on, based on their mandate and the type of business that they are involved in. For instance, the researchers identify personal safety training and measures that one should take in an emergency situation, and the prospects of the organization as common training aspects.

Outcome of training can be analyzed in relation to the organization and the new employees. On the employees’ view, (Schmidt, 2009) affirms that, the attitude portrayed to the new employee(s) is important for motivational purpose. If organization employees are ignorant on various issues, the same attitude will be passed on to the new personnel (Schmidt, 2009). In addition, the researcher points that a motivated team of existing employees will impact on the new employees’ motivation.


The paper seeks to show the relationship between the methods of training and the impact they have on the organization and the employees. In the background study, training, as many researchers have maintained, affects the organization growth as well as the employees. The independent variable in this case is training with the effects in organizations as dependent variables, therefore, the organization and employees realize their goals based how effective training is carried out.

Assignment questions to discussion:

Training and new employees attitudes:

New employees’ attitudes relate to the training they get when they join an organization. Schmidt (2009) shows how motivation and commitment are enhanced when new employees are efficiently trained. He further adds that the employees are always comfortable when oriented on the organization and their respective jobs practices. Wanous and Reichers (2001) echoes that, a new person in an organization need to be informed on the expectation of their employer and rule they must abide to for them to settle without discrepancies. More so, giving support to the new employees, acknowledging or disregarding any task that they have been given in an assertive way and pointing out their mistakes without making them feel inferior, as this will make them loose focus (Wanous & Reichers, 2001).

The attitude set upon reception of the new employees will either impact negatively or positively. According to (Derounen& Klein, 1994), training has changed into more precise skills development in new employees; hence focus on the specific areas that will impact to the employee and the organization in the long run. Therefore, training that is more skilled and accurate will lead to motivation in terms of more knowledge and experience hence less time and resources are utilized. To sum up, (Derounen & Kleiner, 1994) maintain that, a conducive environment for training will ensure stressing factors are reduced; the environment should enhances positivity, supporting the new personnel with their inquiries and if its a team, avoiding discrimination based on varying performances, since people differ in performance too.

Training and the organization:

Once the training is done efficiently, the organization will reap the fruits since the employees are familiar with the expectations of the company and would want to prove them and to the management hence increase in productivity (Derounen & Kleiner, 1994). Organizations can decide on ways to approach training programs, where they collaborate with learning institutions. The corporate goal is to provide training that corresponds to the subjects offered in fields related to the organization practices, within these learning institutions (Derounen & Kleiner, 1994).


It is important for personnel management to formulate and implement programs that will be effective in training new employees, based on the upcoming trends in job descriptions, technology and time advancement.

In conclusion, training and productivity of the employees and the organization relate with each other, because for productivity to be realized, the management must ensure that its workforce is excellently skilled, knowledgeable and satisfied by being motivated not only through benefits, but also through training both at entry level and in-training.

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HR Management: Effective in training new employees
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