What does an organization need to do to ensure an effective HR department? In order to run an effective human resources department, you must devise a strategy for achieving key human resources needs to include, employee recruitment and retention, motivation, development and engagement.
What can the HR department do to ensure its effectiveness? Ensured effectiveness can be achieved by using the strategic management process. Strategic planning is an effective method of determining an organization or department's course over the next year, as well as setting measurements of success. This process is useful whether your human resources department consists of one person or 20.
What role do employees play in helping to achieve this goal? Management can use human resources' highly visible status in the organization to their advantage by modeling change for others. By management serving as a role model, they will help to obtain buy-in from other employees by demonstrating real commitment to the change process, guide others concerning the right way to act and help employees overcome their own resistance to change. If management does not set the example, other employees can hardly be expected to follow suit.
Dessler, G. (2013) Human Resource Management (13th Ed)
Webster, A. (2014) How to Run an Effective HR Department
Retrieved from https://smallbusiness.chron.com/run-effective-hr-department-18784.html
HR's Vital Role In Effective Cultural Change (2005) Retrieved from https://www.hr.com/SITEFORUM