
Effective global business manager for google


You are invited as a keynote speaker at The International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) conference, which will be held in Beijing, China. You will represent the United States and have been asked to speak about the opportunities and challenges of being an effective global business manager for Google. In your speech you should also discuss how global trends and diversity play a role of being an effective global business manager. Prepare an appropriate keynote address.


Adler, N. International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior 5th ed South-Western    0324360746

American Psychological Association (2009) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th ed American Psychological Association 1433805618

Northhouse, P.G. (2009) Leadership: Theory and Practice 5th ed Sage 9781412974882

Daft, R.L. Organization theory and design 10th ed South-Western 0324598890

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