
Effective diagnostic model at an organization-level


Question1)i) Compare and contrast five “stems” of  OD – laboratory training, action research/ survey feedback, normative background, quality of work life, and strategic change.

ii) Discuss the role of the OD practitioner in depth. Outline the skills associated with effective practitioners.

Question2)i) Explain the framework of general model of planned change. Include a discussion of each activity and a typical sequence of events.

ii) Explain the effective diagnostic model at an organization-level. Discuss its main inputs, outputs and strategic orientation.

Section – B Case Study

General Electric is a diversified services, technology, and manufacturing company and operates in more than 100 countries and employs nearly 315, 000 people worldwide. Company is committed to achieving customer success and worldwide leadership in each of its businesses and seeks remarkable people to reach that uncompromising goal. In recent years, company has moved from the focus on heavy industry to the strong emphasis on services and high technology. Senior professionals and executives, identified as high potential candidates and capable of playing key roles in GE’s businesses or functions, attend courses in the executive development sequence. There, they further develop leadership skills essential to run global, competitive business. These courses provide a important development experience, emphasizing strategic thinking, executive leadership and cross-functional integration.

Participants develop executive skills in relation to key business issues, like competing globally, developing business strategy, managing diversity and globalization, leading teams, managing change and advancing customer satisfaction. Company has long been known for developing some of the best leaders in business, and some of the most widely practised business techniques. GE invests about $500 million annually on training and education program around the world, from assembly lines to corporate classrooms to boardrooms. Though the scope of its activities is global, focus of GE’s commitment to excellence in leadership development is Crotonville, the world’s first main corporate business school. Through Crotonville programs, GE personnel are tackling new business problems around the world and sharing their problems with customers, suppliers and colleagues throughout GE.

Beyond leadership education and functional training, Crotonville plays an important role as an agent of cultural change in GE. The most significant symbol of that culture is the GE Management Values statement, a living document which represents what GE believes to be the most significant qualities required for success. When creating the values statement, Jack Welch, the former Chairman, GE used Crotonville participants as a sounding board. Today, thousands of Crotonville attendees continually debate meaning of GE’s  values, suggesting revisions when required, to make sure that they remain relevant to each individual in GE. Having participated in the discussion, attendees then become messengers who transfer the values to the people with whom they work.

Case Questions:

Question1) GE was one of the first companies to have the corporate university. What are the advantages that companies gain by having corporate universities? How does it support the OD initiatives of any corporate organization?

Question2) GE has achieved good results by establishing corporate university. What are the advantages of having such a management development program?

Question3) Explain how such management development program becomes an integral part of Organization Development.

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Other Management: Effective diagnostic model at an organization-level
Reference No:- TGS03162

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