
Effective communication with all stakeholders

Task: Stakeholder Management

Part of being an effective project manager is communication and representing the interests of the different stakeholders regarding the project. Stakeholder interests can often fluctuate during a life cycle of the project. Maintaining contact and effective communication with all stakeholders is vitally important to successful conclusion of a project.

As result you’re halfway through the project.

It is your task and this week to address stakeholder needs in a progress report that will be sent to the client team.

Write a 1000 word, APA style paper that addresses the needs of different project stakeholders and restate the mission and purpose of the project. It is suggested recapping what has been agreed upon for this project in order to minimize scope creep.

Please use 2-3 outside references. Only one reference may be from the internet (not Wikipedia). Use supporting materials that are credible to strengthen your position as to your methodology for presenting this information and in what manner. Only the body of the paper will count towards the word requirement.


Presenting the Project

J. Smith & Associates have requested your firm to submit a project summary regarding opening a new division office in Scottsdale, Arizona. This new office will serve as a regional headquarters for Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and California. The office will connect with remote satellite offices throughout the region. This division office will connect with the other division offices as well as the headquarters in Springfield, Missouri.

The division office will house over 500 employees that address the various needs of customers and employees throughout the region. The physical office building is three stories tall and the entire enterprise is housed on all three stories occupying the entire building. The building is three years old. The building infrastructure is current and modern including the telecommunications, electrical needs and code. Your firm's task will be to move in the necessary furniture and equipment, networking the technology, setting up and equipping the communication services.

As part of the overhaul regarding the organizational structure, the executive suite is established in the central portion of the building on the third floor of the divisional office. The third floor will serve as support services for those in the executive suite as well as maintaining communication and connectivity with the other division offices and headquarters. Legal affairs and compliance is also on the third floor. The second floor is dedicated to the regional offices and employee support. The first floor is committed to customer service support.

For this assignment choose one of the three following areas: Telecommunications, Technology, Furniture and equipment. You will present this portion of the project to the client. You will need to discuss what tasks are required to meet the needs of the client and the organization.

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Other Management: Effective communication with all stakeholders
Reference No:- TGS01767845

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