
Effective communication throughout a workplace is an

Question: Effective communication throughout a workplace is an essential ingredient to align people's efforts towards achieving goals. Yet it seems that ‘communication problems' are continually mentioned as one of the main difficulties for most organisations.

Your boss, the CEO of ABC Company, has asked you to investigate the issues associated with each of the following four workplace communication strategies:

1. Social media to improve internal and external communication.

2. Communicating to customers.

3. Connecting with employees.

4. Crisis communication developing strategies to protect the reputation of the organisation in a crisis.

Working in groups of four, each student will write on one of the workplace communication strategies.

Please follow these guidelines to complete the assessment:

1. This assessment comprises two parts: a. group-assigned written report b. three-minute individual oral presentation.

2. You will be assigned to a group of four students. Internal students will be given their group in the tutorial; external students will be notified via email.

3. The purpose of this assessment is for you to engage in web-based research. Each student in your group needs to select ONE of the four workplace communication strategies.

4. Start your web-based research with a search of popular business publications, even trade journals, professional journals and current affairs journals, for any information about workplace communication strategies. Finally, use academic research to support your findings in relation to your selected theme.

5. Each student needs to find 8-10 secondary sources for his/her section. Please note you are expected to use a minimum of four (4) refereed academic journals. You will be shown how to tell if a journal is peer reviewed/refereed. Do not include more than 10 references per student.

6. Document using SCU Harvard format.

7. You are encouraged to write a first draft of this report at least one week prior to the due date to ensure adequate time for revision. Please be aware that the writing quality and appropriate referencing will be marked as well as the content.

8. Submit the report Turnitin via the Blackboard site no later than the due date: Friday 2nd February 2018, 9.00am (QLD time). Please note: only one student submits on behalf of their group.

9. In addition to the report each student will be required to give a three minute oral presentation on their respective report section.

10. Refer to the Marking Criteria Guide and Marking Rubric located under Assessment Details on the Blackboard.

PRIOS/CDT brief (covered in lecture and tutorials) for Assessment 4:

a. Purpose: To conduct web-based research into workplace communication strategies.

b. Reader: The CEO of ABC Company (your boss).

c. Information: Based on Internet research.

d. Organisation: Direct order approach.

e. Style: Formal. Be sure to proofread carefully to ensure that there are no sentence-level errors such as spelling mistakes, wrong word choice, incorrect punctuation, etc.

f. Channel choice: Written document and oral presentation.

g. Document design: Report format.

h. Length: 1500 words per group member for the report + a three minute oral presentation.

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Dissertation: Effective communication throughout a workplace is an
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