
Effect of sport and gender on vertical jump


Introduction to Statistics:

ANOVA models: Use dataset for Lab in the Lab Section of  Blackboard

Choose an appropriate ANOVA model to answer the following questions. Explain rationale for you choice. Run the test. Present and interpret the results along with appropriate descriptive statistics to explain what you have found.

You will have to choose the models to run, so first of all decide if it is a between, within or mixed model.

Scenarios phrased below in different ways to reflect the way that research questions might be stated.

1. Explore if change occurred in Agility between time 1, 2 and 3. If there is a difference, perform post hoc tests to determine whether between time 1,2 or 3 etc.

2. Examine the effect of sport and gender on Vertical Jump Pre Score (Vertical Jump 1)

3. Determine if the change in vertical jump over time (measured time 1,2,3) is the same in males and females i.e. Do males and females respond the same to training over time in terms of vertical jump?

4. Test the hypothesis that the intervention group has asuperior response to training, compared to the controls in the agility measure (taken at time 1,2,3) Chi square test

5. Run a test to determine if the proportion of participants in each age group is the same for each of the sports. Present the results and interpret them supported by descriptive statistics.

Non-Parametric tests

6. Choose and run an appropriate non-parametric test to compare median rating of preparedness between the 3 sport groups.

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Other Subject: Effect of sport and gender on vertical jump
Reference No:- TGS01435383

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