Effect of linguistic diversity on proactive approaches


Misconceptions are prevalent with regard to student misbehavior. It is important for teachers to understand the various causes of misbehavior and ways to target and improve behavior through a variety of strategies and systems of supports.

In an essay of 500 to 750 words address the following:

1. Designing a safe, culturally responsive learning environment that engages all students in meaningful learning and social interactions.

2. The link between challenging behavior and academics in consideration of student abilities, interests, and learning environments.

3. The effect of cultural and linguistic diversity on providing proactive approaches.

4. Utilizing universal screening, schoolwide positive behavior supports, proactive management, and a multi-tiered approach to intervention.

Links for this assignment




1. Culturally Competent Screening and Special Education Referral: A Systematic Approach

By L ionel A. Blatchley & Matthew Y. La u

2. Response to Intervention and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports: Merging Models to Improve Academic and Behavioral Outcomes of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children with Learning Disabilities

By Cheryl A. Utley and Festus E. Obiakor

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