
Effect of global warming on microbial populations

Problem: COVID-19 has changed the way we live and work, as various health and safety restrictions keep more of us at home more often. The resulting changes to our behavior are already impacting the environment around us in myriad ways, according to comparisons of remote sensing data before and during the pandemic collected by NASA, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and ESA (European Space Agency) Earth-observing satellites and others. After 4 years of neglect and indifference regarding global warming, the US is re-engaging in discussion with other countries (e.g. becoming active in the Paris Accord). In your initial submission on this topic you will state your opinion as to what role the US should play in ameliorating this phenomenon. Approach this from a microbial aspect and cite/provide 5 references regarding the effect of global warming on microbial populations of a beneficial and/ or detrimental source. Also interject on what lessons we can learn from the pandemic and apply to improving our environment at all levels (local, state, country and worldwide).

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Other Subject: Effect of global warming on microbial populations
Reference No:- TGS03299802

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