
Effect of disabilities on families support for families

From the list below, pick a topic for the Week 8 Assignment. Create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the topic you have chosen. Using 5-8 slides, present information that will give the viewer an overview of the topic. Be sure to address any controversies surrounding the topic. Cite at least 3 resources that you used to support your work, using APA formatting. This presentation MUST be 504 compliant. Check your font, size, and contrast please.


American with Disabilities Act - what ADA entails, how to implement it, examples of accommodations etc.

IEP Process: define participants and their roles, sample IEP, IEP content, measurable goals and objectives (what does it mean, examples)

IFSP (same content as IEP)

Early intervention programs/Assessment/Strategies

Response to Intervention

Autism - characteristics, issues for education, educational and instructional strategies

ADHD - characteristics, issues for education, educational and instructional strategies

Learning Disabilities - characteristics, issues for education, educational and instructional strategies

Behavior Modification Programs: guiding principles, why they work, examples of classroom management techniques. Functional

Behavioral Analysis, ABC analysis (antecedent behavior consequence)

Assessment strategies and alternate assessment strategies for exceptional children

Effect of disabilities on families/ support for families /family resources

Evidence based strategies for teaching children with disabilities

NCLB and children with disabilities

Transitional and Vocational Planning

Assistive technology for various disabilities, augmentative and alternative communication devices

Applied Behavioral Analysis and Autism

Gifted Education

Differential Instruction

Co-teaching, multi-age classrooms, other teaching strategies

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English: Effect of disabilities on families support for families
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