
Effect of aging on an endocrine or metabolic system

Problem: Using the Rubric headings as a template (you should have an underlined heading for each with the corresponding information below each heading), complete an Article Critique. Choose an article/study from a peer-reviewed journal. The article/study should be related to the effects of stress and/or aging on an endocrine or metabolic system or dysfunction.

1. Recent material pertinent to subject

2. Clear statement of research purpose

3. Identification of population, subjects, examiners

4. Operational definitions of pertinent aspects of research

5. Defines independent and dependent variables

6. Clear statement of research result

7. Clear statement of research limitations

8. Examines threats to internal/external validity

9. Addresses relevancy to clinical practice

10. Uses correct spelling, grammar, etc

11. Submits copy of article

12. Full reference citation in AMA/APAstyle

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Other Subject: Effect of aging on an endocrine or metabolic system
Reference No:- TGS03423466

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