
Eee471 stability project case a use the transient stability


Your base case system for the Power Flow Project should be approximately as shown in Figure 1, which is the heavily loaded base case with the 345 kV series capacitors bypassed. Note that the shunt capacitors and/or shunt reactors at buses 5, 6, 7, and 9 have been netted with the load.  The generator stability data for the generators is as follows:

Turbine-Generator Stability Data on Generator base

                Unit           MVA       x'd            H

                1              333         0.3          3.8

                2              333         0.3          3.8

                3              210         0.25        3.5

                4              210         0.25        3.5

                5              210         0.25        3.5

                6              353         0.35        4.2

                7              353         0.35        4.2

Convert the data above to the 100 MVA Study Base for use in the Power World Transient Stability Program.  Show an example of your calculations.  Also provide a table of the power flow input data. Also provide a table showing the machine parameter input data.

A. Case A: Use the Transient Stability Program to find the percent series compensation required in the 345 kV lines to maintain stability for the following event:

t = 0                    3-phase fault at Bus 4

t = 5 cycles          Clear the fault by removing one 345 kV line from Bus 4 to Bus 10.

Find the percent compensation to the nearest 5%.  Suggestion: Use a time step of 0.01 sec.and a final time of 1.0 sec, although a longer simulation time may be helpful in determining stability versus instability.

For the 2 cases which establish the answer to Part A, (largest % compensation which results in unstable operation and smallest % compensation which results in a stable case) submit the following:

1. A plot of Generator 1 rotor angle relative to Generator 3 rotor angle. This is the plot that indicates instability.

2. A plot of Generator 1 rotor angle relative to Generator 3 rotor angle. This is the plot that indicates stability.

3. Conclusions

B. Case B: Change the generators 3-7 terminal voltage control to 1.05 pu and repeat part A, giving all of the results ask for, except show only the plot which shows the smallest percent compensation which guarantees stability.  Compare the results for part A and B and explain the why the result of B requires more/less compensation than part A.

C. Case C: Return generator voltage control values to those of Part A.  Change the MVAR load on bus 6 from -32 MVAR pu to +90 MVAR pu. (This will help keep the bus voltages at a more reasonable value for this numerical experiment.)  Now reduce the output of generation units 1 and 2 to 150 MW each. Repeat part A, giving all of the results asked for, except show only the plot which shows the smallest percent compensation which guarantees stability. Compare the results for part A and C and explain the why the result of C requires more/less compensation than part A.


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Dissertation: Eee471 stability project case a use the transient stability
Reference No:- TGS02247447

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