
Educational policy and planning

Question 1:

a) Reflect on the critical problem which lead to a full-blown educational crisis that gripped virtually every developing country in the world in the late 1960’s and analyze the concrete tasks that educational planning should now cope with.

b) Describe the future trends in Education Planning and describe why there is an imperative requirement to synthesize the social demand, manpower and rate of return approaches in a more coherent and unified approach for an enhanced framework for Educational Planning.

Question 2: Critically analyze the concept of education policy and with close reference to the different educational reports published as independence, critically examine how educational policies have evolved according to Economic, social and political realities in the Mauritius.

Question 3:

a) Recently, the idea of the ‘knowledge economy’ has caused a reawakening of the interest in the concept of human capital and in estimates and applications of cost-benefit analysis.

Woodhall.M (2004)

Reflect on the above quotation and observe the relevance of cost benefit analysis in Education Planning in developing countries such as Mauritius.

b) Critically analyze, how Activity based management (ABM) is a reliable tool to give information on cost management processes and systems which will help to make value and sustainable long term growth in the dynamic competitive environment to service sector organizations such as Education.

Question 4: Over the past few decades, the social context of education has been transformed and though most Educators would agree that a crucial mission of our schools is to give equivalent educational opportunities for all students. Yet social factors outside the schools greatly affect educator’s capability to fulfill this mission. Condition of Education 1997

Reflect on the above statement and critically analyze the different implications the social context of schooling has had on the manner children learn and describe the appropriateness of strategies used by education planners in Mauritius to address the issue of equity in this changing paradigm.

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Other Subject: Educational policy and planning
Reference No:- TGS06837

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