
Educational policies of new zealand

Educational policies of New Zealand – (comparison, contrasts and effects of these policies on education)

Paper instructions:

Social Issues in Aotearoa/New Zealand Education


Compare and contrast the educational policies put forward for the 2014 New Zealand General Election by the major political parties* in terms of:

i. The extent to which those policies address issues related to the educational effects of social deprivation and social inequality and/or child poverty and

ii. The emphasis the policies place on the role of choice and competition in education

Maximum length: 2000 words

“Major political parties” should be understood to mean at least those parties which currently hold seats in Parliament however, students may also choose to include and discuss the policies of other political parties.

To assist you in tracking down the policies of the political parties, you will find below links to the web sites of  a number of parties, as well as links to the web sites of a variety of news media organisations.

National Party    –  www.national.org.nz
Labour Party      -https://campaign.labour.org.nz/
Green Party  -https://campaign.labour.org.nz/
New Zealand First        -https://nzfirst.org.nz/
Maori Party              -https://maoriparty.org/
United Future      -https://www.unitedfuture.org.nz/
Mana Party          -https://mana.net.nz/
ACT Party  -https://www.act.org.nz/
Internet Party    -https://internet.org.nz/
Conservative Party        –
ALCP    -https://www.alcp.org.nz/
Alliance      -https://alliance.org.nz/
NZ Democrats        -https://www.democrats.org.nz/
Focus NZ        -https://www.focusnz.org.nz/

please use the New Zealand curriculum document (2007) and the ministry of education website




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Other Subject: Educational policies of new zealand
Reference No:- TGS01438395

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