
Education of children with disabilities

Block 1: Introduction of disability and inclusive education

Question 1: Mention different types of disabilities as per PWD Act?

Question 2: What do you mean by the term inclusive education? What practices can be followed for successful inclusive education?

Question 3: What are the concessions provided by the central government to persons with disabilities?

Block 2: Early Identification, Assessment and Intervention

Question 1: Explain briefly the different stages of cognitive development?

Question 2: What is the significance of early identification and assessment of the child with special requirements?

Question 3: What are the various models of early intervention? Write down the phases in the process of efficient early intervention?

Block 3: Education of Children with Disabilities

Question 1: Explain briefly the major factors affecting the learning of children with disabilities?

Question 2: Discuss the curriculum adaptation for children with mental retardation?

Question 3: What are the various methods of behavior management?

Block 4: Assistive Devices and Therapies

Question 1: What type of assistive devices you may require in your school to enable you to meet up the specific needs of the children with:

a) Hearing Impairment.
b) Visual Impairment.

Question 2: Describe the benefits of assistive technology for persons with mental retardation?

Question 3: Define the term assistive devices? List out the principles regarding the utilization of assistive devices?

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Other Subject: Education of children with disabilities
Reference No:- TGS02196

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