
Education is education a right or a privilege history

Critical Analysis Paper

For this assignment, you will write a 1200-word critical analysis based on one of the following topics inspired by readings in our textbook, The McGraw-Hill Reader.   The paper will include quoting the text, as well as additional research from the library database or another approved and reliable source documented correctly in proper APA format. This paper requires writing in Third Person Point of View in a persuasive mode.

The abstract should be 100 words and the body (excluding the cover page and reference page) of the paper should be 1000 words. Be sure to use the template for a research paper that you created in Week One, and provide direct support from your sources. It would be best to use the readings from your textbook, but other reliable sources should also be used. At least three sources are required. Choose ONE of the following topics.


Education Is education a right or a privilege?

History, Culture and Civilization What can history teach us?

Government, Politics and Social Justice Is America on the right road?

Business and Economics Is the American Dream still alive?

Philosophy, Ethics and Religion Are there still rules?

These are general topics meant to inspire further exploration and discovery of a narrower subject for your paper. Your essay should be persuasive and explore a debatable idea. See Idea Generators below and how the general topic of education as a right or privilege is narrowed to an examination of integration. Should integration necessarily translate into concrete gains like greater achievement for all students? If so, is mixing students by race the most effective mechanism for attaining it?

First steps for success:

Choose a topic

Read the essay with pen in hand

Underline or note an engaging quote or comment.

Now you are ready to begin!


Education: Is education a right or a privilege? Overview: pages 180 – 181

Essays: The Next Kind of Integration, Emily Bazelton, pages 201-211

Two Cheers for Brown v. Board of Education; Clayborne Carson, pages 219- 225

History, Culture and Civilization What can history teach us? Overview: page 279

Essays: America’s “Oh Sh*t” Moment, Niall Fergeson pages 291- 295

1776 and All That: America after September 11, Edward Hoagland pages 297- 299

Government, Politics and Social Justice Is America on the right road?

Overview and Declaration on Independence. pages 322- 329

Essays: ‘The Right Road to America?” Amy Chua pages 335 – 339

“American Dreamer” Bharati Mukherjeee pages355 – 360

Business and Economics Is the American Dream still alive? Overview: Page 372

Essays: “The Death of Horatio Alger” Paul Krugman pages 387 – 390

“Globalization: The Super-Story” Thomas L. Friedman, pages 391- 394

Philosophy, Ethics and Religion Are there still rules? Overview: Page 544

Essays: “What’s Gof Got to Do with It” Karen Armstrong Pages 565- 568

“I Listen to My Parents and Wonder What They Believe” Robert Coles pages 560 -564

These essays are recommended but you may choose from others relevant to your topic, in the same chapter.

Sample Idea Generators


In “The Next Kind of Integration” Emily Bazelon asks, “Is the purpose of integration simply to mix students of different colors for the sake of equity or to foster greater familiarity and comfort among the races? Should integration necessarily translate into concrete gains like greater achievement for all students? If so, is mixing students by race the most effective mechanism for attaining it?

After reading Emily Bazleon’s essay and Clayborne Carson’s “Two Cheers for Brown v. Board of Education” write a persuasive essay based on your position on the need for equality in race and socioeconomic factors in education.

History, Culture and Civilization

In “A World Not Neatly Divided” Amartya Sin states that “the befuddling influence of a singular classification also traps those who dispute the thesis of clash: To talk about the “Islamic world” or “the Western world” is already to adopt an impoverished vision of humanity as unalterable divided.” Both Fatema Mernissi’s “Digital Scheherezades in the Arab World” In a persuasive essay address the future of a diversified America. Can a nation maintain a strong sense of self and still remain open to outside influences? Is national identity crucial to a nation’s survival? How would you describe America’s national identity?


Persuasive Essay 1200 word minimum

APA manuscript format

Abstract and Title Page

Resources (minimum four): At least one direct quote from chosen essay, two sources from the library database. Other sources may be from textbook, books or internet source.

Microsoft Word Document

College level academic writing in third person point of view

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