
Education as human rights for

Education as Human Rights for Women

I. Introduction

1. Attention grabber : In the 18th century, the Enlightenment began, and some philosopher like Condorcet started to argued that women should have the same equal rights to education as men do. Women in the select society started to have the rights to education, and some women such as Mary Wollstonecraft already had the consciousness that women should have equality rights to education as men do.

2. Thesis statement: In this essay, the process of women fighting for education rights from the 18th century to contemporary society will be concentrated on. It is important to know how woman's education rights has positive influence on a woman's life and the whole society, in other words, this essay will explore the relation between the education rights of women and the whole society.

II. Body paragraph

Paragraph 1: In this paragraph, woman's education condition in the 18th century will be introduced, and how the Enlightenment thought had the positive influence on it will also be analysed.

Condorcet supported that everyone should have equal rights to education, and he also had very optimistic view about the human future. It is important to compare the Condorcet's prediction to nowadays society, because what he said is not happen yet. Finding out the obstacles have vital meaning to the contemporary society.

Wollstonecraft as a woman who lived in 18th century, had the knowledge and courage to fight for the woman's right, which was so progressive. Her opinion can represent some woman's idea of their education rights in the 18th century.

Paragraph 2: In this paragraph, how Darwin's theory of Selection in Relation to Sex had influenced on the woman's rights to education will be discussed. Furthermore, comparing with the 18th century, what progress had the women made in 19th century on education rights, and what had caused those progress will also be analysed.

Darwin wrote about how differences the men and women have in biology, and he also explained how those differences present inequality between the sexes.

Butcher, Patricia Smith. Education for Equality: Women's Rights Periodicals and Women's Higher Education, 1849-1920. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989.

This book introduces the education rights that women had in the 19th century.

Paragraph 3: In this paragraph, I will analyse some progress that women have in 21st century

This book introduces the education environment that the women have in 21st century, and also analyses the problems that still have in education of women.

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