
Education and past work experiences


Write up a 1-2 page, 300-500 word summary identifying by name the person you chose, their title and company. It MUST INCLUDE:

1) Their education and career history/journey

2) Their advice to you as someone just starting out

3) Your analysis of that advice ? does it work for you

A) Include their education and past work experiences.

B) Find out if they planned their career path or if it evolved by luck, circumstance or happy accident.

C) Ask them to describe their role and responsibilities (some of this you can do without asking–but get clearer on the big picture by asking this).

D) Demonstrate what you know about the importance of finding positions that are a good match with one’s values and motivators by asking what they value most about their job, what motivates them?and then analyze whether you think they are a good fit for the industry/position.

E) Find out what attitudes and skills are crucial to performing effectively in their position/industry.

F) Ask them about industry trends (growth, decline, innovation)

G) Ask them what advice they would give you as someone just starting out– (people love to give advice).

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Reference No:- TGS01436687

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