Curriculum and Instruction for Gifted and Talented
Chapter 2 : An Introduction to the Integrated Curriculam Model By Joyce van Tassel-Baska
What is a differentiated curriculum?
Pages 10-14 Description
Define "differentiation for the gifted" in curriculum.
What are the four questions an educator should ask in judging appropriate differentiation for the gifted?
Choice of instructional strategies are important in gifted curriculum. Describe the three on the right.
1. Problem-based learning
2. Higher level questioning techniques
3. Concept development
Explain how more advanced curricula is important in GT curriculum.
How should project work play a part in GT curriculum?
The Integrated Curriculum
Model pages 17-18 Notes
Emphasizing advanced content knowledge that frames disciplines of study-
Provide higher order thinking and processing-
Focusing learning experiences around major issues, themes, and ideas that define both real-world applications and theoretical modeling within and across areas of study-
Curricular Reform Design Elements pages 22-25 Notes
Higher order thinking and reasoning
Intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary connections
Habits of mind
Inquiry-based learning and problem solving
Technologies as tools
Learner outcomes of significance
Authentic assessment
Multicultural and global concerns
Overarching concept
Multiple resources and materials
Substantive content
Implementation Considerations
for the Learner - Characteristics, Aptitudes, and Predispositions pages 26-29 Notes
Context Variables
Flexibility in Student Placement and Progress
Teacher Training
Climate of Excellence