
Edu 508- summarize each article and identify the purpose of

Assignment 1: The Scavenger Hunt

Let's put your investigative skills to work! In this assignment, visit the Strayer online library located in iCampus or the Resource Center tab in Blackboard and find four peer-reviewed quantitative or qualitative articles related to your topic. Read each article.

Write a five page paper in which you:

1. Summarize each article [approximately one to two paragraphs per article] and identify the:

a. Purpose of the research.
b. Problem statement.
c. Gaps in literature that studied the problem.
d. Research question and/or hypotheses.
e. Theory or conceptual framework.
f. Findings of the research.

2. Describe two aspects of each article that are relevant to the research topic you have chosen.

3. Provide a preliminary reference page in APA format of the articles you summarized.

4. Include at least four peer-reviewed quantitative or qualitative articles related to your topic.

1. Summarize each article and identify the purpose of the research, problem statement, gaps in literature that studied the problem, research question and/or hypotheses, theory or conceptual framework, and findings of the research.(Thoroughly summarized each article and identified the purpose of the research, problem statement, gaps in literature that studied the problem, research question and/or hypotheses, theory or conceptual framework, and findings of the research.)

2. Describe one to two aspects of each article that are relevant to the research topic you have chosen.

3. 4 references

5. Appropriate use of APA in-text citations and reference section

6. Information Literacy / Integration of Sources

7. Clarity and Coherence of Writing.

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Dissertation: Edu 508- summarize each article and identify the purpose of
Reference No:- TGS02164508

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