
Edta is utilized to slow microbial degradation of

EDTA is utilized to slow microbial degradation of mayonnaise by preventing bacterial uptake of iron. Assuming that mayonnaise has a pH of 3.9 and a total iron content of 10-6 mole/liter, how much EDTA must be added to complex 99% of the total Fe? Assume that mayonnaise is an infinitely dilute aqueous solution and that complexation by ligands other than EDTA and hydroxyl ion is negligible. The stability constant for FeEDTA- is 1027.7. pKa values for H4ETDA are 2.3, 3.2, 6.4 and 10.9.

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Chemistry: Edta is utilized to slow microbial degradation of
Reference No:- TGS0663690

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