
Edpt 514- when a teacher assesses daily from curriculum

Assignment: Strategies for Diverse Learners

Chapter 6: Curriculum Based Assessments and Other Informal Measures

Chapter Focus

Student academic performance is best measured using the curriculum materials that the student works with in the school setting on a day-today basis. Assessment that uses these materials and that measure learning outcomes supported by these materials is called curriculum-based assessment. This chapter introduces the various methods used in the classroom to assess student performance. These methods, also generally known as informal methods of assessment, provide valuable information to assist teachers and other IEP team members in planning instruction and implementing effective interventions.

Check Your Understanding

Part 1. Identify the type of assessment that should be utilized for each situation (formal or informal)

1. A classroom teacher administers a quiz following the introduction of each new concept in geometry.

2. The special education teacher requires her students to read oral passages twice a week to determine their rate of fluency and accuracy of reading.

3. In science, the teacher administers a unit test and uses the score as part of the end-of-term grade.

4. A third-grade language arts teacher uses curriculum-based measurement twice each week to determine if students are correctly sequencing the letters in the spelling words.

5. Your assessment instructor administers a final exam to determine your mastery of assessment skills.

Part 2. Application Activity

1. A first-grade teacher asked each student to read three passages aloud. Matt's scores were 10, 15, and 13.

What is Matt's baseline score?

2. Following the determination of the baseline score, the aimline should be determined.

Refer to Table 6.3 in your text to determine the number of words a first-grade student is expected to increase by each week. If there are 27 weeks remaining in the academic year, what is the goal?


1st grade realistic expectation:
27 eeks Goal:

3. Look at the student's spelling performance on the following CBM. Determine the correct letter sequence score. If you convert this to the percentage of letter sequences correct, what is the percent? What is the spelling score on the test based simply on the number of words spelled correctly?

Word     Student's Spelling    CLS
bat                    bat
cat                    cat
sat                     sat
fat                     fat
look                     lok
book                     book
took                     took
cook                     cook
seek                     seek
meek                     mek

Percentage score:

Score based on words correct =

4. The other two scores obtained to determine the baseline were 40 and 44. What is the baseline score?

5. Refer to Table 6.4 in your text. For a realistic growth rate, how many correct letter sequences is the student expected to increase by each week in the second grade?

6. There are 25 weeks remaining in the school year. What is the goal for this student?

7. Look at the student responses on the following teacher-made criterion-referenced test. Determine if the student met the criterion stated as the objective.


John will correctly answer 9 out of 10 addition problems with sums of 10 or less.































8. Describe the types of errors John made.

9. Using the suggested mastery level, instructional level, difficulty level, and failure level provided in your text, where does this student fall in this particular skill according to this criterion-referenced test?

10. Write a behaviorally stated objective for students reading this chapter.

Part 3. Completion

1. Using material from the curriculum content in test items is called __.

2. Using informal assessment composed of actual class work curriculum materials is called __.

A teacher who adds behavioral objectives following the analysis of test items on a standardized norm-referenced test has adapted the instrument to reflect __ testing.

3. When a student has not mastered a specific skill, the teacher may wish to test the student more thoroughly on the one skill with a self-developed __.

4. When a teacher assesses daily from curriculum content, the assessment is called __.

5. Breaking a complex task down into subskills, or substeps, is referred to as __.

6. Analyzing the types of errors made on a test or on student work samples is called __.

7. Teacher-made quizzes, curriculum-based assessment, criterion-referenced assessment, class assignments, and tests are all types of __ assessment.

8. In a daily living skills class, a teacher can assess the student's ability to make a complete meal by using ___.

9. A teacher assesses students' knowledge of the science unit by each student's book report, test grade, written classroom assignments, lab experiences, and journal. This group of science products demonstrates one example of ___.

10. By adding the number of correct letter sequences found in the baseline to the number of weekly expected CLSs for the year, the teacher can plot the ___.

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