
Editing and checking the grammar

I have a paper needs to be edited and checked the grammar, too.

Microsoft account:

Before we start downloading apps, we should know if there is an account in Microsoft or not, so we can use Windows Store. I meant by Microsoft account any Microsoft service that the administrator uses for the HP TouchSmart machine, for example, a Hotmail account, or SkyDrive.

If we assume there is no account in any Microsoft service or want to create a new account:

a) The administrator should click on Internet Explorer and go to login.live.com.

b) After that, he should tap or click on Sign up now.

c) Next, he types his first and last name, and then he selects: his birth date and gender.

In this project, I chose Concordia University as the first name and of Wisconsin as the last name. Also, I selected the birth date: August 22, 1989.

d) Then, he should create a user name for his account or choose "Get a new email address". After that, he could choose either "Hotmail.com" or "Live.com".

I created an account: [email protected]

e) After that, he should type his password and retype it again to confirm it.

I typed and retyped the password: computer2013

f) After that, the administrator should choose his country under phone number part.

Since the default country is United States, I didn't change it.

g) Next, the administrator should type another email address and a phone number and choose a security question, so

Microsoft could aid the administrator when he forgets his password to reset it.

I entered Prof. Locklair's phone numbers: (262) 243-4217

In addition, I chose a security question: Favorite teacher, and I typed the answer which is Prof. Gary Locklair.

h) He must choose his country and the zip code.

Because the default country is United States, I didn't change it, but I typed the zip code of Concordia University Wisconsin, which is: 53097.

i) Moreover, he should type the letters that appear in the verification image to confirm you're a human being.

I typed: LG8HR8FS

j) Ultimately, he could click on "I accept" after he reads all "Microsoft services agreements" and "privacy statements".

Finally, I clicked on "I accept".

Payment information in Windows Store:

Angry Birds Star wars and Fruit Ninja apps charge for downloading, so the administrator should follow these steps when he purchases apps:

1. Clicking or tapping on the "Store" on the Start screen.

2. Then, he should display "Settings" from the right edge by swiping in or clicking on the right corner of the top of screen.

3. Next, he taps or clicks on "Your account" that he has created previously.

4. He should click or tap on "Add payment method" to enter his information for his credit card or visa. In this project, I will be used my credit card because Microsoft store doesn't have a prepaid card so far.

5. If he already has one, he could click on "Submit". However, if he wants to change his payment method, he should click or tap on "Edit payment methods" and enter his new information and then click or tap on "Submit".

6. In order to delete a payment method, the administrator should go to "Billing website" and log in using your account in Microsoft. After he enters in his account, he could select the payment method that he wants to delete through "Payment options" and then he should click or tap on "Remove" and another "Remove" to confirm his action.

Billing website: https://login.live.com/login.srf?wa=wsignin1.0&rpsnv=11&ct=1364758615&rver=6.0.5286.0&wp=SAPI&wreply=https:%2F%2Fcommerce.microsoft.com%2F&lc=1033&id=287467

Downloading apps:

1. Now, the administrator could go to the Start screen and click on "Store" tile.

2. Then, he swipes his finger on the right edge of the screen from right to left, so the charm menu will appear.

3. Once he clicks on "Search", he could type a particular app or browse by categories. When he finds an app, he could see all information about the app: price, requirements, and reviewers.

4. After that, the administrator could click or tap on "Install", "Buy", or "Try" option depending on the app and the client's needs.

a) He clicks on "Install" button if the app is free. In this project, the free apps are: Fresh paint, Taptiles, Lazy paint, Physamajig, Ballstrike, Piano8, and Drums

b) If not, he should click on "Buy" button and then clicks on "add" or "edit" credit card to enter his credit card information. In this project, the Angry Birds Star Wars app and Fruit Ninja app should be purchased to run them on the HP TouchSmart PC. Also, I would use the

c) If the administrator or the client wants to try the app before he buys the app, he could by clicking or tapping on "Try" choice.

5. After it finishes downloading, a message will appear to inform the administrator that the app is on the TouchSmart machine.

6. Start screen will have the app on it.

Uninstalling an app:

If the administrator or the client doesn't like a certain app, and he wants to delete it, he could do that easily.

I. On the Start screen, He should click (right-click) or swipe down on the app that he wants to remove it.

II. Menu bar will display with four choices: uninstall, smaller, unpin from Start, and turn live tile off.

III. He should choose "uninstall" to remove it from the PC.

IV. Then, another message would appear to confirm the uninstallation, so the administrator should tap or click on "uninstallation" button again.

For future needs:

For more convenient, apps could be installed on 5 devices with one account. Since the Computer Science department might have more than one TouchSmart machine in the near future, so the administrator would be able to install those apps on other devices in the department or even in the CUW and its facilities by following these steps:

1) Click or tap on "Store" tile on the Start screen.

2) To access "Your apps", the administrator should click right click on the top of the screen or swiping on the top edge of the screen from the top to bottom and click or tap on "Your apps".

3) Click or tap "Install" after you select the desired app.

4) Since Windows store allows you to install apps on up to five devices, the administrator could install them on more devices by removing one or two devices from your account, and then you can add new devices and download apps on them.

In order to delete a device, the administrator should go to "Store" tile on the Start screen, and then displaying "Settings" from the right edge by swiping in from the right to the left or placing the mouse pointer on the right corner of the top screen and moving it down. After clicking or tapping on "Setting", he should click or tap on "Your account". Then, he could click or tap on "Remove" near to the desired device down "Your PCs". Be careful, the client and users couldn't run the apps that you downloaded on removed device from the store after you delete the device from your account. In order to delete a PC in your Microsoft account and enter a new one, your account should pass five days from the first used in the removed PC to allow the new PC to be replaced.

Once the player taps or clicks on the Angry birds star wars tile, the app will launch. Then, a screen contains the play button woulddisplay, and the player should tap or click on it. After that, the user could choose which worlds he wants to play, for example, the Tatooine world. Next, he would be able to choose the level that he wants to start with by clicking or tapping on it. Its screen includes: score, high score, pause button, and play again button. After the player finishes a particular level, a screen will show the total score and three options: setting, play again, and play the next level.

Constrain: Another constrain that I face in this project is there is no way a customer could buy an app without using a valid credit card since Windows store is new, so they don't provide a prepaid card.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
English: Editing and checking the grammar
Reference No:- TGS0551948

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