
Edit the passages so all pronouns have clear antecedent


Edit the passages so all pronouns have clear antecedent

Edit the passages below so that all pronouns have clear antecedents, agree with their antecedents, and are in the appropriate case.

Margaret mead was probably the best-known anthropologist of the twentieth century. It was she whom wrote coming of age in Samoa, a book will known in the 1930s and still in print today. it was her who give us the idea that Melanesian natives grow up free of the strictures and repressions that can characterize adolescence in our society. Her writings found and audience just as the work of Sigmund Freud was becoming widely known in the United States.

In his work, he argued for "an incomparably freer sexual life," saying that rigid attitudes toward sexuality contributed to mental illness among we westerners. Her accessible and gracefully written account of life among relaxed about the Samoans showed them to be both relatively free of pathology and relaxed about sexual matters. Their work both provoked and contributed to a debate over theories about the best way to raise children.

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English: Edit the passages so all pronouns have clear antecedent
Reference No:- TGS01926482

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