
Economics 211- address how the size and the composition of

Assignment: Macroeconomic Principles


Please use a word processor to submit the paper. Be sure to put your group name on all submitted work so you may receive proper credit. Good luck!

Meet with the other members of your group (group assignments were mailed to your maricopa.edu Gmail accounts) and produce a five- to ten-page paper entitled "Innovations in Monetary Policy Tools since the Financial Crisis of 2008." Your paper should include such topics as

- required reserve ratio,
- discount rate,
- open market operations,
- maturity extension,
- interest on bank reserves,
- quantitative easing, and
- fixed-rate overnight reverse repurchase (reverse repos) agreements.

You should, also, address how the size and the composition of the Fed's balance sheet have changed over the past seven years and the implications for open market operations as a policy tool when the Fed has such a large balance sheet, i.e., when banks have such large quantities of reserves.

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Macroeconomics: Economics 211- address how the size and the composition of
Reference No:- TGS02241307

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