The Westphalian statesystem works well for powerful nation-states. Seeing as how moststates in power hold a maintainer world view and want to stay inpower, it makes sense that the Westphalian system has prevailed for350-plus years.
Economically, a world governed by powerful states makes sense.Capitalism (when functioning freely) is the best economic model,and the more capitalist states help others (by persuasion or force)to adopt capitalist systems, the better.
Politically/militarily, the Westphalian system is only good forthose in power. Nation-states like the U.S. can choose whichinternational conflicts to enter, because it isn’t really itsresponsibility to mediate foreign affairs. Middle and minor powersdon’t benefit because the political power in any Grotian bodylike the U.N. isn’t equitably shared. And if there’s asituation where a middle/minor power needs military assistance,outside help will depend on a vested national interest.
Socially, the Westphalian system is not the ideal system. Since themajor powers – states that are mainly focused on nationalinterest – control the agenda, human interest is forced totake a back seat. Global civil society is a difficult idea toachieve under the Westphalian system.
Finally, culturally the Westphalian system creates many problems.The idea that what is represented inside one border isn’t thesame as what’s represented inside a neighboring border cancause conflict. The same goes for two different cultures sharingthe same borders, seeing as how that state is supposed to have asingular cultural identity.