
Economic factors is associated with consumer prices and

Social factors is associated with Cultural attitudes and Market experience

Economic factors is associated with Consumer prices and Money supply which is the most important and why?

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Elizabeth post

when it comes to social factors the things that have caused them to increase with more importance would be the way people spend their money for themselves and their families. Businesses are raising prices which are cause many to not buy because they can't afford the items or just don't think it's worth it. Because of these changes in the social factors changing so are the economic factors of businesses.

It is a domino effect or a cause and effect situation. Our jobs are not paying enough for us to buy the items that the companies are producing which in turn are causing them to lose money since no one is buying.

Rebecca post

There are many social and economic factors which drive the importance of financial planning. One example of these factors would be the ever-increasing prices of all items including the typical necessities. It seems as if the cost of items has grown exponentially over the last 10 or 20 years. This factor makes it more important for everyone to ensure that financial stability is a priority.

In addition, because of the increasing amount of debt that is being incurred, at an individual, corporate, and national level, it seems more and more likely that the amount of money produced by Social Security is not likely to be enough to sustain basic cost of living requirements after retirement. Becoming independent financially will allow each of us to rely on ourselves rather than on a government which may not be able to provide sufficiently.

For the next two student post complete a thorough and substantive reply to the original Discussion topics posted by your instructor. During the week, provide responses to at least two classmates. Each post should offer substance, examples, information, and ideas to help share your point of view with the class; each post should also include a minimum of 100 words.


Hello class, in this weeks discussion I'm going to discus the suffrage movement from 1848-1920 and how it reflected society's expectations of gender roles. The suffrage movement was very tough for woman during this time.

Women were thought of as to only bare children and feed them. They were thought of as to not have the physical strength of a man so society felt that there place should be at home and not at jobs working. It just became a way of life for women during this time in society's eyes. Myself being from a southern state, part of the culture leaned towards women staying home to take care of the children and the house while the man works.

I do think that women's involvement in the suffrage movement enhanced their role in public life. Although, it was not looked upon in a positive light. It made men feel threatened that women could potentially start taking their jobs. Man has always wanted to be on top. There many women CEO's and managers today and I'm sure there are some men who do not like that.

The 19th Amendment granted American women the right to vote, and actually ended nearly a century of protest. I think that the Amendment was a huge breakthrough for our nation. They were now seen as a true citizen with rights like men. Now they are recognized as equal to men and not less than.

Jermaine post

The suffrage movement was fighting for the right to vote and overall women's rights. In 1873, Susan B. Anthony tried to vote but was unsuccessful and was later arrested for trying to exercise her 15thAmendment. Later on down the line Susan B.

Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton joined the National Woman Suffrage Association which was more aggressive at fighting for their rights.

I believe that this movement wanted to limit women's roles to just the household and children as sad as that may seem. However, it definitely enhanced their role in public life because they had a voice and were not backing down no matter the consequences.

The 19th Amendment says, the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex (History, 2010). This was a huge accomplishment because it allowed women a voice regardless of race, sex, or color.

This was something they have fought for and wanted for so long. I can relate because anytime you want and believe in something bad enough you will stop at nothing to make sure it's attainable. Could you imagine still being in a time when rights were unbalanced?

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