
Econometrics 718 - problem set 3 take a real data set with

Econometrics 718 - Problem Set 3

Problem 1 - Consider a model in which

Yi = β0 + β1Ti + µi + ξi

Assume that

- ξi is mean 0 and independent of everything else in the model

- µi is 0 with probability 0.5 and 1 with probability 0.5.

- There is a further variable Xi which is

Xi = ½ µi + νi

where νi is independent of everything else in the model and uniformly distributed on [0, 1]

- Ti is binary and determined according to the following rule

  • When Xi < x∗ and µi = 0 then Pr(Ti = 1) = 0
  • When Xi ≥ x∗ and µi = 0 then Pr(Ti = 1) =p0
  • When Xi < x∗ and µi = 1 then Pr(Ti = 1) = 0
  • When Xi ≥ x∗ and µi = 1 then Pr(Ti = 1) =p1

- The econometricial observes Xi, Ti, and Yi but not the other variables.

a) Suppose you run a regression of Yi onto Ti. What is the plim of β^1 (where β^1 is the OLS estimator of the coefficient on Ti)?

b) Suggest a methodology to get a consistent estimate of β1 and sketch how identification works.

c) Now suppose the type 1 people (i.e. the people for whom µi = 1) can manipulate their Xi. In particular they can change their Xi to Xi+δ at some cost, and anyone with Xi < x∗ < Xi + δ pay this cost and manipulate there Xi. How does this affect your estimates from you estimation method above?

d) Now suppose they cannot manipulate it exactly but in reality

Xi =Zi + ωi

and they can manipulate Zi but not ωi where ωi is independent of everything else and uniform. Sketch why this form of manipulation is not a problem. For simplicity (if you want) assume that Zi only takes on two values, but that the distribution of Zi depends on µi.

Problem 2 - Take a real data set with a real X and a real Y that are related somehow. Construct a placebo treatment Ti by choosing some rule for so that Ti = 1 when Xi > x∗ for some x∗. Now try estimating the model

Yi0 + αTi + ui

by regression discontinuity in several different ways (i.e. kernel regression, local linear regression, using polynomials etc.) Compare the results (given that you should get an effect of zero)

Problem 3 - Construct a dummy data set as I did in class in the rd.do file (which is on my website). Modify the simulated model and the estimation method for a fuzzy design rather than a sharp design and show what you get.

Problem 4 - Take any data set you would like and consider using some instrument for some treatment. Control for a bunch of regressors.

a) First run IV and get estimates.

b) Now calculate the bias assuming that "selection on the observables is the same as selection on unobservables." In doing so you can assume that the unobservables are uncorrelated with the observables and that your answer in a) gave consistent estimates of γ. Given the formula for the bias of IV given in the lecture notes in discussing the bias using "Catholic as an instrument" calculate the bias.

c) Now construct for yourself a perfect instrument. That is construct a model with

Ti0 + β1Zi + X'iβ2 + ui

Yi0 + γ1Ti + X'iγ2 + εi

where Zi is independent of Xi and εi, but ui is correlated with εi. That will involve using a random number generator to generate new values of ui, εi, Zi, Ti, and Yi, but using the X's you used in a). Estimate the IV model and also estimate the bias in this case.

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