
Econ5010 economic principles assignment the article should

Economic Principles Assignment

The article should be related to tobacco.

1. Should be completed in a report format.

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Article Summary

3.0 Article Analysis

3.1 Demand and Supply

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 References

2. Only need to discuss the theories relevant to your article.

3. Not allowed to choose an article from the supplied list on Blackboard. These are simply there to assist you in your choice of article.

4. Your article must be dated in the years 2014, 2015, 2016

5. When completing your assignment, put the diagrams and graphs within the body of the work. DO NOT use an appendix.

6. There is a strict word count of 2000 words (excluding references and headings)

7. If you have chosen a Microeconomic Article, but discuss Macroeconomic theories you will be penalised (and vice versa)

8. Conclusion is not just a summary, you need to include policy implications.

9. Chicago Referencing style is required.

If you require more information there is clear and concise instructions and information in your unit outline for this assessment.

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Microeconomics: Econ5010 economic principles assignment the article should
Reference No:- TGS01632378

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